Entrepreneurship in the second half of life. My conversation with the Bloom community.

I had a wonderful conversation with the Bloom community this week. I love the description Bloom uses on their web site: "Why retire when you can bloom? Join a community of adults 50+ learning, connecting and redefining a new phase of life." I met many new friends and opened up new conversations with the Bloom community. What a great day! The Bloom team sent some of the responses they got from my presentation: • "I liked that Rick recognized and is creating the missing bridge that we need as potential and/or existing entrepreneurs. We do not all have degrees nor do we all fit in the familiar list of businesses. I personally appreciate his warmth, knowledge and encouragement." - Deborah C. • "I caught your session on Bloom. This organization is exactly what I've been looking for." - Daryl W. • "A chance to talk with so many other people my age, as the other entrepreneur groups I talk with all seem young." - Sha...