Launching the Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs (CAE)

The launch of the book Ageless Startup continues despite - and because of - the pandemic.  What a crazy year to launch a new book... maybe.  

With millions of people losing their jobs, and millions more jobs threatened, perhaps it's time we all look for options.

Those of us in the second half of life are especially vulnerable to employment issues, from the ever-present ageism to current downsizing decisions that focus on our age not our value in the market.

A group of us are launching the Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs (CAE) to create a home for people in the second half of life to explore entrepreneurship and to find peers to grow with.

I will continue to write personal thoughts about Ageless Startups here but for those of you looking to explore and launch the next steps, I welcome you to the Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs. 

Visit Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs. 


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