Great quote - Abby Miller Levy - Primetime Partners.

A new friend led me to an interview with Alan Patricof and Abby Miller Levy at Primetime Partners. Primetime Partners is a venture fund focusing on the future of how we age. Excellent interview. Links below.

The Abby Miller Levy quote below is great. I use it in presentations.... an excellent idea for building new, more effective networks to empower ageless entrepreneurs.

Ms. Levy was being asked about how their fund would advise new companies entering longevity focused markets...

"I think I can guess what Alan would say, so I’m going to jump in here… I think what we would say – and this isn’t just because it’s consistent with our brand and our positioning – Go find an experienced professional who has been in the industry – for 20 – 30 years – of the industry you’re starting your startup in. Go find a cofounder who has that experience, that network, the understanding – and frankly the relevancy to the end user that looks like them. And go co-design a business with someone who is of the target group you’re looking to serve. I think that would be one piece of advice we feel would be VERY passionate about."

Thank you Abby Miller Levy. Spot on.

This work is at the heart of the Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs.

In the U.S. there are more than 100 million people in the ageless demographic. Of those, 25 million said they wanted to start their own small enterprise. If each of those 25 million people had 30 years of experience... that's 750 million human YEARS of knowledge and networks available to deploy.

Let's help these amazing people get to work.


Link to full interview
- The quote above from Abby Miller Levy starts about 49:45

Primetime Partners

Abby Miller Levy

Alan Particof

Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs


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