SBA - U.S. Small Business Person of the Year - West Virginia winner started by helping one child at her Grandmother's kitchen table

There are opportunities to build a new enterprise everywhere. Look for new ideas that make sense to you and start with one customer at a time. There are new ideas and programs emerging everywhere that are ready to grow. Ageless entrepreneurs are in the perfect place to help.

"West Virginia small business owner wins 2022 National Small Business Person of the Year Award for the first time in state history"

A West Virginia small business owner and educator who started a learning center to provide behavioral treatment for children with autism was named the country’s small business person of the year on Thursday by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

Jill Scarbro-McLaury, who owns Bright Futures Learning Services, received the prestigious award during a virtual ceremony celebrating National Small Business Week. Scarbro-McLaury, who is the first person in West Virginia to receive the National Small Business Person of the Year Award, will be invited to the White House for an honorary event with SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman."

"Bright Futures Learning Services began in 2007, helping one child in Scarbro’s grandmother’s kitchen. Scarbro saw a need for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services in West Virginia and expanded her practice to help more children throughout the state.In 2016, with the help of an SBA 504 loan, BFLS moved to their 7,300 square-foot home in Winfield, WV. In 2021, BFLS opened a second location in Hurricane, WV, and has 36 employees educating and advocating for children with special needs."

Congratulations Jill Scarbro-McLaury, United States Small Business Person of the Year!


Bright Futures Learning Centers

WV Governor's Office press release:

Press story

Thanks for this tip, Ellie Nesser, Program Manager at Vantage Ventures at the John Chambers College of Business and Economics at the University of West Virginia.


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