Ageless quote - 'The circular economy - late-life careers are a wise reuse of the talents, skills, and knowledge developed over lifetimes of work and inquiry.'

"Circular economy business models keep products, equipment, and infrastructure in use for longer, increasing the value of these resources. Principles that underpin circular economy thinking include reducing waste and finding innovative ways to repair, recycle, and reuse materials by returning them to the value chain.

This is an intrinsically attractive strategy and business model for ageless entrepreneurs. One could even make the case for considering new, late-life careers as a wise reuse of the talents, skills, and knowledge developed over lifetimes of work and inquiry."

Rick Terrien


From: Starting Up Smarter. Why Founders Over 50 Build Better Companies. Dr. Mary J. Cronin.

This quote is from my chapter which concluded this great book. Models for Regenerative Sustainability. Rick Terrien

Page 287


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