Eunice Lin Nichols - Vice President and Gen2Gen co-chair, - "Ageless Startup takes Rick Terrien’s decades of entrepreneurial know-how and channels it into a guide to help other “ageless innovators” on their journey. Along the way, he shares tips from dozens of inspiring social entrepreneurs making their biggest impact in the second half of life as they work to create a better future for all. If you’re committed to pursuing later life creativity and innovation, you’ll find a kindred spirit in Rick!"

“ is committed to making intergenerational connection and collaboration the norm -- to shift the culture away from later life as a time to retire or turn inward, to a time to invest in and work with younger generations for change. Ageless Startup takes Rick Terrien’s decades of entrepreneurial know-how and channels it into a guide to help other “ageless innovators” on their journey. Along the way, he shares tips from dozens of inspiring social entrepreneurs making their biggest impact in the second half of life as they work to create a better future for all. If you’re committed to pursuing later life creativity and innovation, you’ll find a kindred spirit in Rick!”

Vice President and Gen2Gen Co-Chair,


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