Gregg Baker, Tenured, commissioned U.S. Foreign Service Officer with USAID, Chief Economist for USAID programs - "Amidst the incessant din comes a wise book that speaks directly to those with a lifetime of knowledge, skills, networks, and a little available money...and helps us reflect on how we can leverage that into something that can produce a source of income and make the world a better place."

“There is no shortage of entrepreneurial expertise available, whether it’s via the web, the accelerator community, incubators, impact investors, VCs, CDFIs, e-newsletters, SBDCs...but amidst the incessant din comes a wise book that speaks directly to those with a lifetime of knowledge, skills, networks, and a little available money...and helps us reflect on how we can leverage that into something that can produce a source of income and make the world a better place.  With his background, Rick Terrien clearly is the best person to speak to this topic, but his conversations with other “ageless entrepreneurs” makes the book richer still, and his use of statistics shows that the idea of ageless entrepreneurs trying and often succeeding isn’t such a radical notion. As boomers and Gen Xers move to the next part of their life journeys, I think this book will quietly make its way into many homes and hands.”

Gregg R. Baker

  Tenured, commissioned U.S. Foreign Service Officer with USAID, Chief Economist for USAID programs, including Microfinance programs, in Asia and the Near East;
 Longtime micro and small business specialist in Chicagoland, and six-time winner of Accion Chicago’s Microenterprise Advocate of the Year Award; 

 Selected by State Department and USAID to participate as a judge in "La Idea” Business Pitch Competition.  
 Selected by FedEx to participate as the only banker on a Chicago area committee to establish FedEx’s Northern Illinois Trade  Initiative Pilot Program.  
 Intrapreneur who created the Auditing Department at The Rotary Foundation, a Chicago Wilderness program for National Audubon, and a research fund in memory of his wife at Tulane University.                                 
 Supermentor to Chicago food start-up businesses for the Good Food Accelerator, FamilyFarmed.


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