Dr. Karen Fulbright-Anderson Ph.D, CEO of Fulbright-Anderson and Associates -, "With Ageless Startup, Rick Terrien has managed to make the book a fun read while providing practical, useful advice in a voice that is clear and supportive."

“If someone had told me a book about entrepreneurship and older adults would be fun to read, I would have looked a that person with disbelief.  Yet, with Ageless Startup, Rick Terrien has managed to make the book a fun read while providing practical, useful advice in a voice that is clear and supportive.  I wish I had this book when my husband and I started our vegan food product company but I will apply his advice to the operations of our bed an breakfast.  It is a great read for anyone who is an entrepreneur or who is thinking about becoming one.  Those who are entering new phases of their lives and who want to improve their communities and increase their own independence will find it especially helpful.” 

Karen Fulbright-Anderson, Ph.D.  CEO of Fulbright-Anderson and Associates.  Innkeeper and Co-owner, Ye Olde Manor House Bed and Breakfast.  Former Senior Fellow, Aspen Institute.


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